Usage of Fishkin’s Yggdrasil nodes pinger

Read the entire file readme-en.txt. For example, by the command tar xjOf fynpinger-0-0-5.tar.bz2 fynpinger/readme-en.txt | less.

Unpack the files fynpinger.perl and fynpinger.conf to any directory permitted to you for reading and writing; or unpack everything by the command tar xjpf fynpinger-0-0-5.tar.bz2. If needed, edit the file fynpinger.conf. Run the file fynpinger.perl in a terminal; for example: ./fynpinger.perl max=8 (it is just an example).

Command line and the configuration file can contain the following parameters, in any order. None of them is mandatory.

name of parametervalues (default)description
blocklist The addresses not to test; comma separated. Address only (IPv4, IPv6, FQDN). If the node where the testing happens is on the list, add it to the value of that parameter: it will else seem to be the quickest.
hostnamesall, nocf, none (nocf)Use or not the sign addresses (not only IP addresses; those from the list and indicated by the user): all; all except those applying Cloudflare (nocf); none.
ipv4, v6, both (both)IP versions (IPv4, IPv6, both), nodes with which the user searches.
lngen, eo, ruLanguage of outputted messages; supported are English (en), Esperanto (eo) and Russian (ru). If an unsupported language is indicated, English is used. If not indicated, the system language is used; and if it is not amongst the supported ones, then English.
max1 – ∞ (42)Maximally allowed ping.
morehosts Additional addresses (not from the list); comma separated. Address (IPv4, IPv6 in square brackets, FQDN) with protocol and port number.
offlinenone, hour, day, all (none)Test or not the network nodes, marked as inaccessible (offline): none; offline for hours (hour); offline for hours and days (day); all.
protoquic, tcp, tls, all (quic,tls)Protocol(s), nodes with which the user searches.
toscreen, file, both (both)Where to output a result of work of the programme: to screen, to file, to both.

In the configuration file, empty lines and lines starting with the # sign are ignored (thus it is possible to enter a comment, and also turn a line off). Parameters on command line surpass parameters in the configuration file. If it is indicated lng=auto on command line, system language is used (and if it is not supported, then English).

On command line, if value of the parameter blocklist or morehosts starts with a plus, value from command line is added to the value from the configuration file; if any of those two parameters in command line has the value no, its value from the configuration file is ignored.

The programme outputs two lists: ‘Not replied’ and ‘Quick nodes’. The second one is more needed, but the first one is needed, too: the nodes on that list can be accessible, but set to not reply to ping; you can explore them with traceroute (tracepath) and whois.

The nodes with direct outbound connection to them are marked with asterisk. The nodes with outbound connection to them via proxy are marked with percent sign.